This Thanksgiving...
"The Chieftain" Mia Meow
This Thanksgiving holiday I just thought I would say that I am so lucky to be living the life I have now. Don't get me wrong, everything isn't perfect and I don't trip over rainbows walking into the office everyday or anything. Just that I have a fantastic life. I thought I would just list a few things.
1. Kate.
2. Great job.
3. Awesome place to call home.
4. Longview.
First of all, Kate is awesome. She simply stated adds a dimension to my life that I could never achieve alone. I'm always happy to come home from work or class and see her. We keep each other laughing and simply just enjoy each others company. She is an awesome, wonderful, loving woman. I am so lucky she likes me.
I have a fantastic job that rivals any on the planet. I'm a professional aviator. People have literally died trying to get my job. I enjoy it all, every aspect of it, and even though I'm often faced with adversity, I'm always improved by its challenges.
I live in a city with so much to do, and I work with a great group of men and women who I look forward to learning more about everyday. Kate and I will continue to explore the new city we're in and learn why people from Texas love the state so much. We'll laugh about all the silly things Texans do, and also make fun of ourselves as we do it. I can't wait...
I have so much to look forward to in life that I can't begin to write it all down. If I did, then maybe I would miss too much of it. When I think of all the places I'll go in the years to come I wonder how it happened that I fell onto the path I'm on. For the life of me, I couldn't tell you how I did it...I just know that I'm glad to be here after stumbling around for so long. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
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