Monday, November 15, 2004

There Is No Justice.

I'm compelled to say that there is in fact no justice in the world. There are two reasons. It's not anything like you're probably thinking; elections, war in the Middle East, world poverty and the AIDS epidemic. Nothing like that.

First: My team lost. Not only did they lose, but this loss is just a continuation of many losses that they've suffered this season. I know that football is incredibly unimportant in the grand scheme of all things, but when you make a boy play football in Smalltown, America for seven years this is what happens. They spend a football game in front of the TV and computer yelling "Noooooo!!!" when a quarteback throws an interception on their own fifteen yard line with one minute to go. It's not our fault but the rest of America. I can't help it. "Go Chiefs!!!"

Second: I have to commute. I hate it. I hate driving, but I hate car-pooling also. When I car-pool I'm at the beck and call of someone elses vehicle. I hate that. I hate having to confer about my plans for the day before they happen. The truth is, I don't have any. I'm just kind of wingin' it. This is of course all before I get in the car, and proceed to cuss for twenty-five minutes straight as I try and make it to work on time. I do however treat myself to Gatorade every morning before PT. Yummy. Then it's back on the freeway. People learn to merge without stopping. Please internet people. Learn to merge...

Those are my gripes for the day. I feel a ton better and yu can now disregard all the mindless dribble that just poured from my fingers. Time for a delicious Cherry Coke. Yummy.


Blogger Audra said...

I am addicted to Dr. Pepper like it's smack. Today I tried Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. It was nasty.

I too, hate driving and I do it for thirty minutes each way to school. I spend an average of 7 hours a week in my grocery-getter.

My football team is having a great year. Granted they are college, but still. War Eagle!

6:59 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Ugh. Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. That sounds totally gross. My sister is a Dr. Pepper fiend.

I would sell my soul for some Diet Cherry Coke.

7:14 PM  

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