Tuesday, November 30, 2004

A Few Thoughts on TBS's "The Real Gilligan's Island"

  1. Wow. Rachel Hunter is hot.
  2. It looks like Gilligan and Mary Ann are going to hook up, and--wait--does anybody else feel this? It's like I might throw up in my mouth a little.
  3. The one set of millionaires (you know, the set WITHOUT the deranged wife) seems totally cool, and I can't believe they're worth over 500 million and own, like, 50 companies because I feel like we could totally party together sometime, and they'd both pop open a forty, and then we'd talk about That One Time at Panama City Beach.
  4. Just kidding. I don't know anything about forties. And I've only been to Panama City Beach once. And nothing exciting happened, except that when we went out to a club that night my extraordinarily hot and yet, alas, chaste and demure friend was pressured into wearing a playboy bunny t-shirt borrowed from one of our friends, and then she totally turned into this vixen, and she was chased, horrified, by amorous teenage boys for the rest of the night.
  5. The one set of millionaires (you know, the set WITH the deranged wife) is so homophobic, and I can't even believe TBS can let her say such derogatory things about the gay professor because I THOUGHT THIS NATION WAS SO PC. And then I woke up and remembered that this nation is only PC regarding certain ethnic groups. Which is a shame because sometimes I can't even believe what people must think when they see me with my boyfriend. They're probably expecting some hot mostly black supermodel, and then they see me, and I'm, like, the whitest piece of cornbread ever released from the Deep South.
  6. Did I mention that Rachel Hunter is hot?
  7. And also, how many times did I write the word, hot? Yes, that's five times. Four times too many, consequentially.


Blogger Audra said...

I am embarassed that I watched that show. I'm glad the bitch got kicked off. And I think that one Gilligan is disturbingly ugly. He's past goofy. He's weird looking!

7:23 PM  

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