Oh, Christmas Tree

This past Wednesday, Dominic and I finally picked out our Christmas tree from the tree lot just five miles from our apartment complex. Friday, we finally actually decorated it.
Okay, Internet, listen up. In case you were wondering about Dominic's ability to provide for me, to take care of me or what not if I'm always following him around America and THE WORLD, well, let me tell you that he totally scored a FREE tree for us this year, and if that doesn't make the angels sing on high I don't know what else will.
A free Christmas tree is especially relevant this year because Dominic hasn't had a chance to complete an entire sentence these past three weeks, let alone go with poor weak noodle armed me to the Christmas tree lot to bring home a tree. We can both be cheap about odd things, like paying forty or fifty dollars for a tree we'll only have up a couple of weeks at most, so, like I said, Dominic rules for scoring us a free tree.
Because we'd been tree-less, and other such contributing factors, our apartment has been a bit devoid of Christmas spirit until just as of late. This has been contributed by me, mostly, because of my hatred for the song, "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause," and because of the fact that my eleventh grade English teacher made our class read Ethan Frome and I WILL NEVER GET OVER HOW AWFUL THAT BOOK IS and because of my periodical tirades about the decorative tackiness of our neighbors. People it's just a BALCONY. There is NO NEED to string up four sets of colored lights AND put a giant blow up snowman AND a giant blow up santa AND a plastic light-up navity scene in the middle of it all WITH FAKE SNOW. Again, that's just excessive.
But I suppose I'm being a scrooge or a grinch or just grouchy because I'm updating this at 6:50 on a Saturday morning, and you can all just ignore me for now. Dominic's class got in trouble for something yesterday, and as punishment they all had to go to work today at 6:30, and he woke me up when he got up, and of course I couldn't go back to sleep. I feel like a great injustice has been done to the man who can command free Christmas trees just by walking onto Christmas tree lots with his flight suit on and make small babies stop crying just by smiling at them and walk on water, but I've learned to just let sleeping dogs lie (or sleeping cats or whatever your animal preference) because once before when I felt he was being short changed by his superiors I threatened to go talk to somebody, but the look on Dominic's face said, please god no, so I didn't of course. And I wouldn't have anyway because sometimes I make idle threats, and I have no intentions of following through on them.
So, feel free to compare us now: the man who people will look at once and then realize he is one of the nicest and bravest and loveliest human beings on the earth and they will give him free Christmas trees, and this woman who will make illogical idle threats and has just written the most nonsensical drival you will ever read outside of Ethan Frome.
Kate you need some sleep. :) Your Christmas tree is so pretty. I put up a Christmas tree in my dorm. It was 3 feet tall and only 10 bucks from Wally World. I spent, like, 2 hours cleaning up the living room of my dorm so it would look pretty with my tree. Then my roommate exploded her stuff everywhere, and it stayed that way until I left to go home. The day that I left, she asked me to help her clean up the living room bc she would be there more than me over the break. I decided that nothing would be accomplished by putting her through as much torture as she's put me through, even though it was really tempting just to leave and let her deal with the mess and all of the rotten odor that would result from leaving my food there over the break. Ah well. What trouble I go through being such a nice person!!!
P.S. You are crazy, Kate. Everyone listen: Kate is crazy!! :) Love ya, Kate.
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