Sunday, December 04, 2005

Windchill is Negative Seven, Captain

This morning, after having dressed himself, Dominic said, "Everything I'm wearing except my underwear is from Gap." I said,"Do I need to plan an intervention?"

Let me tell you about how it's cold here. A new kind of cold that's only going to get colder. Dominic and I are like bewildered newborn babes out here, blinking our eyes confusedly into the negative degree windchill. Apparently he has forgotten some things about being cold since he last lived north of Alabama. I'm drinking a lot of hot tea to cope and considering carrying a flask of whiskey with me wherever I go.

I thought of few more things I'm scared of since last we spoke. They are: babies, the DMV, and mailing packages from the Post Office.


Blogger Carrie said...

I'm scared of worms and baiting hooks. Esp. those glowing green worms that we had at camp. I'm also deathly scared of snakes. Remember that one time I levitated out of the lake? And lastly, I am also very scared of crowded department stores and esp the ppl that try to help you at department stores. :(

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I guess you won't be driving to the DMV to get new tags on your way to mailing a baby in a big box (with air holes) at the PO?

Remember that kind of cold necessitates thinking ahead and being prepared for emergencies - and carrying a flask doesn't count!

2:36 PM  

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