Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Haircut Day!!!

Today I got a haircut...It was great. Not too much, not too little. I'm excited about the haircut because it means tomorrow, I meet my new boss. The guy who will become my mentor, my guide to aviation, the guy(or girl) that wil be instructing me as I become a Combat Systems Officer in the world's greatest air force, the guy whose butt I have to kiss for the next year. If only I knew what a combat systems officer does...Hopefully tomorrow I'll find out.

I won't even try to lie and say I'm not super excited. I feel like tomorrow is the first day of elementary school and I have some really snazzy new clothes to wear. Although I won't be sporting new Captain America Underoos and Osh Kosh B'Gosh Overalls, tomorrow is a dress-up day of a different type. I'll be wearing a full service dress uniform. If that's not snazzy, I don't know what is. (Seriously though, I don't know what's snazzy. I've probably already used the word snazzy too many times to be considered cool. Damnit!) That's not even the best part; You'll never guess what I'm getting dressed up for. "Picture Day." That's right ladies and gentleman, not only is it the first day of school, and the first day I will meet my new boss, but it's also picture day! Yea for being a grown-up in the world's greatest air force!


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