Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Mia has a tapeworm. This will explain the Streaky Stinky Poo Butt Disaster of 2004. We just gave her a pill to correct the situation, and now Dominic and I are just laid back and waiting for something freaky a la Alien to explode from her stomach.

And I'm making Chicken Stew. Mmmmm. Chicken Stew.

Other than that, I've been cleaning in a hectic frenzy all day, completely paranoid that I have tapeworm now. I remember in elementary school when I first learned about tapeworm. I was so simultaneously freaked out and fascinated by this thing that could live in your stomach and grow to be more than twenty feet long. That's like a gabillion times longer than our human bodies! Gabillion being the technical term for it, of course.

Sigh. This kitty has been so much trouble. Luckily for her she's really super cute.


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