Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Flying All Over The Place...

Today I found out that for my first "cross-country" flight I'll be going to Andrews AFB in Washington D.C. I'm pretty excited about going even though it wasn't my first choice (Key West). I think it's going to be a lot of fun anyways. It's just too bad that Kate can't go though. We'll have to make it another time, and I told her I'd go nutty tourist with my digital camera.

Speaking of nuts, I'm sure Kate will agree with me when I say that we are spending a nutty amount of money on camping gear. Most likely it's my fault, but I'm excited about doing this with Kate. Hiking all over the country as we move from place to place. Kate had a lot of her own hiking gear, but I had to buy everything. One lightweight backpack, sleeping bag, tent, stove, water filter, and tons of other misc gadgets later; I think I almost have everything. Almost...

Kate and I would like to hike part of the Appalachian Trail sometime soon, perhaps when I graduate from here. There are a couple of other places we would like to go as well, but we talk mostly of the A.T.

That's it for now, I'm off to do some more mission prep for D.C. and Kate's cooking up something delicious! Later!


Blogger Audra said...

Hiking and camping are things I really love to do but rarely get to do. I was really good at rapelling at basic training because of all the rock climbing I've done. That was like, the only thing I was good at except land nav.

Good luck on your flight!

7:21 PM  
Blogger Carrie said...

Sounds like a lot of work. I think that I'm going to be a professional bed expert when I grow up. I want to get paid for sleeping on a different mattress everyday and then judging which one is the most comfortable.

10:30 PM  

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