Sunday, April 10, 2005

What A Weekend!

Well, this weekend was jam-packed full of excitement. I'm be a facetious here, it in fact was pretty slow. That's cool though, a little relaxation before a hectic work/school week is always nice. I have to say though, I had high hopes for this weekend and they didn't really pan out. You see I bought myself a new toy on Friday, a handheld GPS called the Garmin ETrex Legend C. I really, really wanted to spend the entire weekend globally positioning myself. It works and all, but it is not nearly as cool as I thought it would be and I am unwilling to spend the extra 130 dollars it would take to upgrade the software, so I decided to take it back. This is how the rest of the weekend started:

Kate and I drove out to the Poteet Strawberry Festival, twenty-five miles south of San Antonio. We wanted to experience a small town festival and enjoy the "best strawberries in Texas." Unfortunately, so did the rest of San Antonio including this police officer who promptly pulled me over for not properly displaying my front license plate. Kate felt compelled to photograph everything. Just in case.

Poteet is the dustiest town in Texas. Kate and I were instantly filthy. We drank beer from cans, and I felt a Koozie was a must. These guys said they'd give me a koozie if I signed some papers and did a few pull-ups.

Sign here and here?

Seven all at one time?

They gave me a Koozie, but I also think I enlisted into the Marine Corps. Man are they going to be mad when they find out they wasted a Koozie on me.

We bought some delicious strawberries and jam and decided the dust was too much. Kate demanded that I take her home so she could shower. For those of you who know Kate, you know that's saying something! On the way home poor Kate fell asleep instantly she was so worn out! Speaking of worn out, I have more PT in the morning! Good night (Insert Texas drawl here)y'all from Poteet, Texas!!


Blogger Carrie said...

Wow, strawberry festivals sounds yummy. Strawberries are good for so many things: strawberry shortcake, strawberry ice cream, strawberries in my cereal, and don't forget STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE! Oh, if all things in life could be so versatile.

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which brings me to my next question. As a married man, dragging his wife away from her home, any reccomendations on things to see in NW Texas on the way down? I grew up in SA but don't really remember much, what's there to do? You can e-mail,

5:09 AM  
Blogger Audra said...

I love small town festivals! We had a John Deere one here Saturday- I skipped it.

3:43 PM  

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