Homeownership Agrees With Me...
Well, after thirty years of living I have finally found that I like owning a house. Granted, so far nothing has erupted into flame or been submerged underwater like my friend Dale's house(http://floodandloathing.blogspot.com/). We've been busy ripping down down wallpaper, painting walls, and raking leaves like there's no tomorrow. And even though I filled seven giant lawn bags without finishing my front yard, and then the smaller tree that was holding on to it's leaves promptly decided to release them after I finished raking for the day. That was a slap in the face that I will not soon forget tree...
In other news Kate and I will be hosting our first barbecue on Saturday. It's been nice having a little time to get the house together before we try and have people over. in reality there are a million projects that I want to get done. Of course the house has made it eighty years without them so they're not mandatory. Still, I can hardly wait to drill my forst hole in ahouse that has been around longer than anyone I know. Also, home ownership means I need more power tools. That's a good thing. Power tools are a lot of fun.
In other news Kate and I will be hosting our first barbecue on Saturday. It's been nice having a little time to get the house together before we try and have people over. in reality there are a million projects that I want to get done. Of course the house has made it eighty years without them so they're not mandatory. Still, I can hardly wait to drill my forst hole in ahouse that has been around longer than anyone I know. Also, home ownership means I need more power tools. That's a good thing. Power tools are a lot of fun.
Mmmmmm ... power tools.
Yay! Home ownership - congrats. One day I will make it out to see the house, and hey, after my crash-course in home repair, I could even, you know, re-wire something or install things or whatever.
Would that be Texas 'cue or barbecuing in general, as on a grill? Whatever, have lots of fun!
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