Friday, January 07, 2005

"Captain, I've Got Them On RADAR..."

I now know that when someone says this in a movie, they are in-fact, full of crap. I spent the entire day staring at radar scopes and I can't "get" anything on that peice of crap. My instructor is standing over me like "see this...that's Sacramento." I just shrug my shoulders and nod in agreement when in reality, I don't see it. It's fuzzy lines and hard to discern shapes. Another guy was like, "Do you see this banana shape? That's Waco." No, I don't see any bananas and I definitely don't see Waco. Basically, I hate RADAR. And not because it has wronged me in some way, but because it's smarter than me. So much smarter than me that it gave me a headache while I studied it. It dibilitated me just by being RADAR. Stupid, smart-ass RADAR.


Blogger Audra said...

Hahahahaha! So is military life- never really understanding anything. :)

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry so much about not being able to see Waco - it's not worth seeing ... A.C.

7:58 AM  

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