Monday, January 10, 2005

Welcome Sir, To The Wonderful World of EBay...

First off, I know. EBay is not new, but it's new to me. I signed up and made my first Ebid last night! It was exciting, like I was gambling or something at the Tropicana. I bid on a new golf club that I've been eyeing for a while and was too cheap to pay the retail price. Three hundred and ninety nine dollars. American dollars. I am happy to say though that I won the bid. For less than half of that, including shipping, I am soon to be the proud owner of a brand new Titelist 983K Driver. It's silver, matches the new car. Coincidence??? Yes. Anyways, I'm excited about my ebay experience but it has been hampered by the payment process which is the worst I have ever experienced with an online company. Maybe not the worst, but definitely the next in line.

Driving the new car has been so much fun everyday. Not because I drive fast (People at work are mad because I haven't passed 78 mph yet), because I don't, but because I'm still amazed that I have (what I consider) such a cool car. It's totally so much cooler than me. For example Kate and I were in the parking lot of Wally World and a kid sitting in front of the store gave me a thumbs-up. Then also when I was driving home from work one day, I passed a school bus and some little arms popped out the window pointing at my car. I can imagine myself sitting on the bus twenty years ago doing the same thing shouting "That's my car!" Then somebody else yelling, "Unh-uh, It's mine!" Like I said it's just a lot of fun. Kate and I have been enjoying it. She's always sure to prevent me from driving down the road with part of a plastic shopping bag sticking halfway out of the trunk. Apparently, I do that alot.


Blogger Audra said...

Better a plastic shopping bag than the belt to my sweater that hung out of my trunk for 2 MONTHS before someone pointed it out to me. So sue me- I don't use the trunk.

I too, have discovered the joys of eBay, contantly bidding on things I KNOW I don't need but, holy crap, have you seen the prices?!?!

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But does the e-bay driver fit in the car? AC

4:24 PM  

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