A Mexican Kitty In Cold and Snowy Places...
" What fresh Hell is this? Kitty leashes and snow? You have gone too far sir! "
I'm sure this is what the cat was thinking as I fired her out the door to experience snow firsthand, and yes I realize I am a crazy cat person because I narrate my cat's life in my head. What I think she's saying in her head is pretty funny in mine so I'm going to keep doing it.
Anyways we had our first snow today and everybody had firsts. Kate had her first all day snow, the cat was subjected to snow for the first time, and I walked to our neighborhood grocery in the snow for the first time. Of course, all these things put together are pretty cheesy, but I didn't work today and so Kate and I had our first official snow day. That's pretty awesome. Unfortunately, we had no wood for the fireplace or furniture in the study to sit by the fireplace. What we did have was a need to paint the dining room a cranberry red. It's going to take more than two coats for sure.
Anyways, I'm certain Kate will have more to say as she has had a busy day herself working on what I'm sure is a delicious quiche and salad for dinner, also everyone she knows in Alabama called her today. That's not true, I'm exaggerating but she did get a lot of calls!
How wonderful! We haven't had our first snow yet, but when we do I will be very excited! In Tennessee I got to see a good bit of all day snow, so it's not quite as exciting for me, but I'm glad you got to experience it.
And yay for kitties doing stuff they don't want to do!
What a cute cold little Mexican kitty!!! You should definitely buy a little kitty jacket and force her to wear it against her will! And kitty boots! Don't forget kitty boots!!!
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