So here's the deal:
1. School
2. Dominic's healing time from mouth surgery being rather longer than we had expected, resulting in bummed spirits all around this week. Even the cat has been sighing.
3. Work
4. Running
But besides all that, there have been several things to happen over the last few days that I wanted to tell you guys about, but I was too busy needing an attitude adjustment and stomping off to my room in a huff to write in my diary. I'm feeling a little better today, so I'll share those things with you now:
1. We hosted an impromptu dinner party on Saturday. I made loads of chicken stew, and then we all walked to a bar and had a jolly grand time. Also, I met a married couple who are now my favorite married couple ever because they are seriously funny and they talk about their cats even more than we talk about Mia, which is a lot (no really).
2. Speaking of Mia, she killed a mouse sometime early Monday morning. We didn't find the mouse until later that evening, but all signs point to her guilt. Especially when Dominic sagely noted that mice don't make pilgrimages to the Land of the Grand Fireplace simply to fall over and die and be all gross with rigor mortis. (Also, we have mice! We haven't seen anymore of them or noticed droppings anywhere. But still, mice!)
3. The past couple times I've gone for a run I've met up with a three legged puppy dog who is always in the process of taking her owner for an extremely brisk walk. Both times it made my heart feel funny, as if all the ice were melting from it or it was growing three times too large or something. Three legged puppy dogs are really cute.
1. School
2. Dominic's healing time from mouth surgery being rather longer than we had expected, resulting in bummed spirits all around this week. Even the cat has been sighing.
3. Work
4. Running
But besides all that, there have been several things to happen over the last few days that I wanted to tell you guys about, but I was too busy needing an attitude adjustment and stomping off to my room in a huff to write in my diary. I'm feeling a little better today, so I'll share those things with you now:
1. We hosted an impromptu dinner party on Saturday. I made loads of chicken stew, and then we all walked to a bar and had a jolly grand time. Also, I met a married couple who are now my favorite married couple ever because they are seriously funny and they talk about their cats even more than we talk about Mia, which is a lot (no really).
2. Speaking of Mia, she killed a mouse sometime early Monday morning. We didn't find the mouse until later that evening, but all signs point to her guilt. Especially when Dominic sagely noted that mice don't make pilgrimages to the Land of the Grand Fireplace simply to fall over and die and be all gross with rigor mortis. (Also, we have mice! We haven't seen anymore of them or noticed droppings anywhere. But still, mice!)
3. The past couple times I've gone for a run I've met up with a three legged puppy dog who is always in the process of taking her owner for an extremely brisk walk. Both times it made my heart feel funny, as if all the ice were melting from it or it was growing three times too large or something. Three legged puppy dogs are really cute.
I didn't know that you had ice on your heart to begin with. Three legged puppies are cute. I've been needing an attitude adjustment too. How were you cured? I'm still suffering.
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