Spring (Snow) Storm
We had snow all day yesterday, the first day of spring. I didn't mind it too much, as I had the day off of work and school anyway, and Dominic got a snow day from work. So we sat around all day in our pajamas, and I stuck to my well (by now) established habit of becoming furiously interested in my own personal reading projects just when the critical part of reading and writing for school begins to pick up. I suppose Dominic was a bit bored with my choosing to read most of the day, so he started up with the whole "baby" thing again. I expect him to start laying out pie charts and graphs and statistics for me pretty soon. I'm also fairly certain he's got a ticker hidden somewhere that's counting down the days to when he expects we should begin the conception process. I've got a good two years of M.A. program left to barter with him, but after I graduate I'll be left vulnerable again. Dominic can be very dogged and persuasive, and the man's biological clock is ticking! Why am I so insensitive to his biological clock when it's ticking? Why?
Anyway, here's a picture I took of myself (and Dominic) yesterday after I painstakingly did my makeup. And still you can barely tell!
I was going to write more about how I feel like I need to write more and read more and also watch more of the kinds of movies I like, but I suppose I should really get to my schoolwork. That's what's inspiring me to be inspired in other things instead. Oh, school. You are so predictable in that you make me want to be doing anything else at all.
That would be a no on the babies, snow or otherwise, until you get through school. Keep to the plan, tock or no tock! Babies will (and should) consume your whole life. Please wait for a time when you want nothing more than to be full-time Mom and milk supply!
Well, personally I think that you should have your Chinese baby right away when you get done with grad school. I mean, come on, Kate, Dominic's ticking!!! And I really want to be an aunt. That way I can play with a cute baby and you have to do all of the hard work. Plus, I think it would be fun to take bets on what it would come out looking like. haha. Jk. I know it will be beautiful!
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