Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What they said about you can't take the South out of the girl--it's true.

Hey, remember that post I wrote about being so cleverly debonair about muting my Southern accent? That post wherein I sound like a jackhole for being all like, "Yeah, my roots are Southern but I can totally trick people into thinking I'm a normal American from, like, Idaho or Illinois and not some barefoot redneck from the dirty South because I can take away--just like that-- the twangy accent the wrath of God did instill in me once I first opened my eyes as a tiny babe in the Russell Hospital in Alexander City, Alabama?" Remember that?

Well, guess what, when Dominic and I went to Nebraska a couple of weeks ago to search for a house I found that I cannot, in fact, take my accent away, that instead my accent actually compounds within itself to create what I discovered to be a full blown "Hey, y'all Ahhm frum Alabayma!" Southern twang. It was a truly distressing revelation, especially when I caught myself saying, "Yeah, I'm so excahhhded about moving here," to a woman who had just let us into her house to check it out, and she looked at me like I had just uttered some alien language she had never before heard in all her life, and I thought, "Okay, God you won. I'm Southern and it ain't ever going away and I'm just going to have to deal with it because never again can I believe that I'm deceiving anyone," and then I wished the ground would open up before me so I might just jump right into it and disappear forever. The End.


Blogger Audra said...

I personally relish my Southern accent and try my best to keep it. It's when I say words like "Iyyy" instead of "I" and "pen" instead of "peeyun" that I get scared. Hey, you gotta be different somehow, might as well have a hick accent.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Carrie said...

I have found that my accent gets increasingly worse around ppl who have different accents than me. I don't know if I actually talk more southern, or it sounds more southern, or what. Hey, and some ppl actually like southern accents. A guy from England that I met this summer told me that he thinks southern accents are incredibly sexy. Yeah, that's right - incredibly sexy. Yeah, English guys are hot.

2:27 PM  

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