Thursday, May 11, 2006

Cold Spring

Here's the thing about living (much) farther north than I used to. It's not the long cold snowy winter I have a hard time abiding by; it's the Cold Spring.

Cold Spring can be defined as any kind of weather other than sunny and hot. 60 degrees, overcast, and windy, in the middle of May? That's Cold Spring. We hateses Cold Spring!

Anyway, when I'm not busy throwing temper tantrums over what's perfectly acceptable and normal weather in this part of the country, I'm busy going on runs and working so few hours it's like I have a phantom job.

Phantom job can be defined as any kind of job wherein you know you have a job and yet lack circumstantial evidence of the fact. Ex: You're in your pajamas and eating Reese's peanut butter cups on the couch at 10:30 on a Thursday morning and a commercial on TV just made you cry.

Lately, Dominic's been grilling me on what I might want for my birthday at the end of the month, and so far the only thing I can come up with is, ...Clothes? And then Dominic is like, That's not an acceptable answer. And so I say, ...Another cat? And he just looks at me. One thing I do think I want is pre-paid lessons at the yoga studio about a half a block around the corner from our house. I want these lessons mostly because the amount of coolness inherent in being able to walk to a yoga class is so much that the actually process of doing the yoga is a secondary entity in my mind.

One other thing before I go: Dominic has been really nice in the last couple of posts he's written when describing the process of my learning how to drive a manual transmission. In reality, I just cry a lot and proclaim over and over again, "Oh my god this is so scary I don't like this Oh my god this is scary," and Dominic just kind of rolls with it because he knows that having a wife such as I who will randomly suggest that we should have Filipino food for dinner one night because I love sharing the things he loves comes with downsides, like hating cars because they are Machines of Death.

But I'm trying to learn how to drive a stick anyway. Just in the midst of all the crying.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe there is a saint, whose name is Dominic ... and his election to the 'hood was due in large part to the endless miracle of his patience. Would the verb venerate be appropriate here, Kate?

3:02 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

uh, yes.

4:18 PM  
Blogger Audra said...

Hey, I'm getting Matt yoga for his graduation! It's a good present.

Spring sucks here too. It's freezing outside and all my friends from NY and Minnesota tell me how stupid I am because it's so nice. Are they crazy?

7:39 AM  
Blogger Dale said...

My job has gone all phantom, too. Turned grades in now, it's summer, which means I don't do anything. I'll drop by every now and again just to remind them I'm here and make sure they don't accidentally hire someone in my place.

Spring here is fantastic - it's been warm and sunny and the weather for both JazzFest weekends was unbelievable, never too hot, very little rain.

There are other downsides to the weather here, though.

9:47 AM  
Blogger Audra said...

P.S. My link is wrong on your links list- I have a new URL! It's

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a phantom job too, but I wish I didn't. :( I needs money baaaaad. I'm 95% sure that I'm going to get off. See you kids in June.


7:58 AM  

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