Sunday, June 04, 2006

Introducing Booger

As part deux of my birthday gift, Dominic and I adopted a kitten! We thought we were going to adopt another full-grown cat, but there happened to be an abnormal influx of kittens at the shelter we went to, so kitten it was.

Booger's not really his name. We haven't settled on one yet. I wanted to name him Wee Thomas, but Dominic said no one would get it, and unless you're Brooke, and perhaps Dale, you don't get it, do you? But if you did get it, oh it would be the funniest cat name in the history of cat names to you, and you would laugh and laugh and laugh and say, "WEE THOMAS!" with an Irish accent. Second to my desire to name him Wee Thomas is my desire to name him after some clever literary reference, an author or a character. My favorites are Billy Faulkner and Major Major Major, but somehow those don't seem to be sticking either. Dominic likes Chief Curly Whiskers, but that will probably be his rank and call sign, just like Mia's rank and call sign are Ensign Fuzzybritches. (And oh, we are crazy cat people.)

Speaking of Mia, she's not really having this whole multi-cat household, but I suppose we're proud enough of her because, though she will spit and hiss at the kitten and even box him on his ears if he gets too close, she's mostly cool with having him hang around and hasn't tried to eat him as a tasty snack even long as he doesn't try to play with her or anything crazy like that.


Blogger Brooke said...

Ok, so I've changed my mind on the name thing. You could go with Captain (Something) and call him "Cap" which comes from a wonderful play I saw recently called Ridiculous Fraud. He is very cute and seems to have the whole picture-taking thing down which could be dangerous for people like us as it leads to photo albums of just cats. Good luck with the naming and your back yard looks great!

5:54 AM  
Blogger Carrie said...

Personally I think you should stick with Booger. He's really cute. I can't wait to meet him!!

10:50 AM  
Blogger Carrie said...

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10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I like MagnaDude, and I agree with Brooke: He's really got the photo-op thing goin' on. Congrats to the parents and to the lucky Captain Kit.

3:00 PM  
Blogger Dale said...

I'm not sure why you would want anything more in a cat name than that it entertains Brooke (and me), but that said, let's see, how about Mr. Tumnus? I was going to name another cat Sirius Black to go with Albus, but I haven't gotten one yet. And I always wanted to name a dog Kafka.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Dale said...

P.S. - Do you have to be a cat to get a call sign? 'Cause I want one.

9:31 AM  

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