Monday, June 19, 2006

A lot about stuff you probably have no interest in

Okay, so basically a lot has happened since last we spoke. But it's been like that quite frequently around here anyway, right? Last Saturday, we had our big blow-out promotion party for Dominic and friends, and my siblings flew in from Alabama for a week-long visit. It was a busy day. I wish I could tell you all about that party because--wow--lots of funny, funny stuff happened (Dominic, I'm looking at you), but I want everyone to still like me afterward, so, sorry, you get nothing. Except I will say we met most of our neighbors, and they're all incredibly nice, and they still spoke to us the next morning, so there's that.

Carrie and Craig--the aforementioned siblings--were down with hanging out in Omaha and we delighted them with such exciting forays as to The Zoo! and to The Imax Theater! and to The Ice cream in the Old Market! When we weren't at the zoo or the Imax theater or eating ice cream my brother and sister were either a.) watching the World Cup or b.) sleeping like sleeping champs. There wasn't a lot of middle ground, so unfortunately at times I felt like there wasn't any difference between them being here and being in Alabama because I hardly ever saw them.

Alas, Saturday they had to sever themselves from all that zoo-ing and Imax theater-ing and ice cream-eating and leave us. They will be sorely missed, especially since they only emerged into the daylight maybe twice the whole week so I never really saw them anyway.

Summer will probably be in a denouement from here on out. Dominic had taken leave from work to entertain Carrie and Craig and I for the week, but now that he's back he'll start flying soon. The runway at Offutt is closed so he going to be bussed to Lincoln, which ladles many, many hours onto his daily schedule. I predict I will see him approximately three and a half hours during the next three months.

But I'll be busy, quitting my bookstore job and preparing for my teaching job. Trying to get this house clean again after Hurricane Carrie and Tropical Storm Craig came whirling through. Squirting Little Cat with the spray bottle because he is so, so bad. Last night he peed on our down comforter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a guess ... but might the "Little Cat" be a little sensitive and pissed off at not yet having a real moniker?

2:55 PM  
Blogger Dale said...

I came home from Jersey and discovered that Albus had earned his Native American name. Just as I am known as "Balds at Ankles" Albus shall henceforth be called "Pees on Couch."

5:57 PM  

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