Sunday, April 23, 2006

Cat Party!

Well, internets, we've been fairly busy as of late, and unfortunately that means we've fallen into that old cliched habit known as not updating our blog and then writing one post in apology for not updating our blog and then not updating our blog.

But no more! Until next time.

Friday, Dominic turned 29 for the third time. I helped him celebrate by buying him a hammock and then destroying my cell phone! (Oh, how lucky Dominic is that I'm his wife.) I destroyed my cell phone by placing it on the bumper of the Blazer as I was hefting the new hammock into the back of the truck. Then I forgot to retrieve my phone from the bumper. Then I flung my phone into the middle of a busy road as I turned out of the parking lot of Target where I had bought the hammock, which ended up being the most expensive hammock in the world because it cost me a $200 cell phone, in addition to the $100 it initially cost me just for being a hammock.


Saturday was better. We had a barbecue in celebration of Dominic's third 29th birthday, and lots of nice people came over and hung out with us in our backyard, and it was a truly awesome time, especially because I made a lemon meringue pie and a caramel cake, and those confections alone almost made up for the fact that I destroyed my cell phone (but not quite,) and wait, did I mention the beer? There was beer, too! Good beer. And lots of it.

This morning we took some friends--a married couple who shares our cat obsession; I mean, affinity--to a great little divy local breakfast diner, and then we returned home and totally used their very valid interest in an open house down the street in order to accompany them and snoop around in our neighbors' house. Which is beautiful. Anyway, it would be awesome if our friends lived down the street from us because then it would be one big cat party, night and day.

But we're not dorky! No way! We're cool! We're very cool people! And no, I did not just say "cat party." I would never say something so uncool.

Anyway, all the while this weekend I've been finishing my big paper for my Native American non-fiction writing class. It's 19 pages long, and has 23 sources in the works cited page. I worked on the works cited page for almost four hours on Friday. A Friday.

But now it's finished! Cat party!

I did not just say that.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Late Easter Coming

Obviously, this is how I feel about updating lately: blah.

Last weekend, my Aunt Connie came to visit Dominic and me, and we had a great time showing her around Omaha, or at least our part of Omaha, which begins as you step outside our house and ends basically ten blocks in any one direction. Or you can drive the three miles to my work, but THAT'S IT. Dominic and I refuse to go any farther.

Next weekend we're having a barbecue for Dominic's birthday, which is Friday. There will be hamburgers! And beer! And caramel cake! (Oh, I bet you didn't see that last one coming).

One last thing: Today the Easter Bunny visited me. He was a little late this year, but after hearing word of the colossal hissy fit I threw today because I don't have any Easter candy to binge on this year (and my sister does!) he ordered his Easter minions out to the Gaskin household where they hid five eggs filled with various candies in our sunroom.

Good to know I still observe the most important part of this holiday: Gorging Oneself on Bad Fructose Syrup Fortified Commercialized Candy. And, Carrie, I take it back. There is an Easter Bunny.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Promtastic as Promised

It's been a week, but Prom 2006 shall live in infamy through our pictures and vodka-tinged memories.

Exhibit A: Dominic double fists it because he is a rock star like that.

Exhibit B: We are very happy to be at Prom

Exhibit C: Oh my god, I'm married. This hadn't really occurred to me until I saw it in print, curiously enough.

Exhibit D: I love Prom.

Exhibit E: Obligatory pose by the ice sculpture.

Exhibit F: Dominic and I are seriously jazzed to be at Prom.

Exhibit G: Bottoms up!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Signs of Spring (and Other Promtastic Events Thrown In!)

Spring is Here! As proof, here are some of the signs we're seeing around the house!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Holding the Doldrums, Holding on Through Them Too

Lately, I've been having a difficult time finding good words to write with. I tried to write a post about Dominic's and my prom experience a few days ago, but Blogger wouldn't let me publish any pictures to Stick and String, so I just scrapped it. I'll try again later, when I'm not in such a poo-poo mood.

There are so many good things happening in our lives right now, but coming off the weekends has been really tough for me for a long time now. I have a difficult time adjusting my level of self-expected happiness when Monday comes around and I see Dominic for only an hour or so, when we'd just been hanging out and having a good time together all weekend.

Spring is trying to peer through the winter drabness here. We've had a couple of beautiful days, though temperatures have still been a bit cool. Friday, we're supposed to get cold weather and ice and snow again, though. That's really starting to do a number on me--the weather, that is. I suppose school is also picking up, and that can be difficult and stressful, though I'm doing pretty well with keeping up and doing good, solid work in my classes this semester. Still, I've been feeling worn down lately, and I guess that's why I haven't been posting as much.

But there are so many exciting things to come for us, internets. And if I can just hold on through these doldrums, I'll be better for it.